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From The Depression Counselor: How To Deal With Holiday Depression

For some, the holidays are a trigger for depression and anxiety. Sometimes, it is due to the loss of a family member or maybe the stress of running around all over the place, visiting family and friends. However, the holidays should be a happy time for you, and there are ways to deal with holiday depression. At Insight Child & Family Counseling, the depression counselor is in and is ready to help you with these struggles. Let’s discuss how to deal with holiday depression and what to look out for during this winter season.

Make A Plan

While you are busy planning your crazy holiday schedule, make sure you are planning time to take for yourself, away from others so that you can focus and breathe. This means scheduling time to nap, read a book or sit quietly in your favorite place. You should use a calendar to mark these occasions and do not let them be forgotten. It is crucial that you take this important time to gather your thoughts.

Discard The Need For Perfection

You do not need to cook the perfect meal or purchase the perfect gift to be happy during the holidays. For some, striving to be perfect hurts them worse, creating more depression than they had in the first place. Take some time to come up with traditions that you enjoy instead of searching for perfection. This is all about your family and spending time getting away from the hustle and bustle, not creating more.

Reach Out for Help

If this season hurts due to the loss of a family member or special loved one, reach out for help. You can find support groups for the holidays, or you can talk to a trusted family member. You should not remain alone and to cope with this by yourself. There is always strength in numbers. If you are still struggling, you can seek out a depression counselor that can help you understand why you feel a certain way. They can help you unpack your feelings, instead of keeping them inside. You must learn how to grieve properly to move on from your depression.

Don’t Forget to Sleep

It can be difficult to get adequate sleep during the holidays, especially with family members visiting. However, you must schedule time to rest and sleep in order to avoid depression.

If you are still struggling, Insight Child & Family Counseling is here to help. Give us a call today at 972-426-9500. Or visit us online at for some free tools and resources.


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