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Tips From Your Depression Counselor: Coping In Between Sessions

The goal of counseling is learning to cope with the challenges that lie ahead of you. A good depression counselor will help you gradually learn the skills necessary to deal with your depression and accompanying feelings. The question is; in the meantime how do you cope? Here are a few ideas of things you can do right now to help you get through:

1. Get In A Routine – Depression can rob you of your structure by allowing the days to run together. When you setup and stick to a routine you begin to take your control back.

2. Take On Responsibilities – The natural instinct may be to pull back and give up on responsibilities in your personal life and work. Staying involved and having people to answer to can help counter your depression and self doubting feelings.

3. Get Enough Sleep – Depression is known for wreaking havoc with your sleep cycles. Too much or too little sleep is never a good thing. Aim for 8 hours of sleep each night.

At the end of the day, Insight Child & Family Counseling is here to help you with your depression. We can teach you the skills you need to cope with your feelings and habits. Give us a call today at 972-426-9500 or visit us online at

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