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What to Do When You Don’t Trust Your Anxiety Counselor

anxiety counselor plano txPicture it: You have finally found an anxiety counselor in which you feel you can discuss and solve your stress and anxiety.  Things are going well until you find that your anxiety counselor has broken your trust. Whether it be through discussing your case with another patient or discussing another patient in your session, trust can be broken easily when confidentiality is breached. What happens when your counselor breaks your trust? What do you do? Here is how to handle this situation should it happen to you.

Discuss Your Concern

First and foremost, you should discuss your concerns with your counselor before making a rash decision. Tell your counselor how you feel emotionally and how you feel they broke your trust. Be transparent and open and don’t hold anything back. And then give them a chance to explain their side of the story.  Perhaps there was a miscommunication, maybe you think your trust was broken but they were simply complying to their professional code of ethics.  Whatever the case may be, give them a chance to explain what happened.  If your anxiety counselor cannot give a reason as to why they broke your trust, it may be time to go a different route. However, communication is key before you move on.

Walk Away

If you feel like you cannot trust your counselor or if your confidentiality has been breached, it may be time to walk away. You may feel as if you are taking a step back, even though you have made progress, it could be in your best interest to walk away. You cannot have a good relationship with an anxiety counselor that you do not trust. You must be able to communicate freely and openly in order to find help for your anxiety. Walking away allows you to find someone more suited for your needs.

Find Another Counselor

Once you walk away, you can begin your search for a new counselor. This step may seem a bit difficult before you start. However, keep in mind that this is for your mental health. Try to put the past behind you. Start by performing a web search, using social media or asking for recommendations. Once you have a list compiled, interview your potential counselors and explain your scenario. You should feel comfortable with their overall response to the reason you are seeking a new counselor.

If you find yourself in this difficult situation, know that Insight Child & Family Counseling has the perfect anxiety counselor for you in Plano, TX. We aim to please with our support and offer a high level of confidentiality that won’t be breached. You can trust us. Give us a call today at 972-426-9500 or visit us online at for some free resources.  

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